Sari K. Wolf RN, TMP 802-223-4715

Offering Partnership in Healing to Individuals on the Path to Wellness

About the Practitioner

Sari Wolf is a Registered Nurse with national certification in critical care.  With hospital experience since 1977, she has developed an extensive knowledge base and become an advocate for patient teaching.  Nurses are in an excellent position to explore non traditional healing through touch, energy and herbs and her nursing background provides sound judgement for appropriate referral to a physician as needed.

Sari is a graduate of the Touching For Health Center School of Professional Bodywork in Stockton, California, an accredited school of massage, accupressure and other somatic therapies.  She is also a graduate of the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy in San Rafael, California.

She has received intensive training with:

Ben Benjamin, PhD, founder of the Muscular Therapy Institute.

John Barnes, PT, who developed the myofascial release technique and teaches internationally

Jocelyn Oliver, CMT, who developed the neuromuscular reprogramming technique

Marianna Heartsong, PhD, CMT in body/mind/heart/spirit connection as well as Emotional Freedom Technique

Dr. John Veltheim, DC, who developed the Body Talk System and teaches internationally

Adina Olivares, RN, TMP, Reiki Master


Training in:

Touch for Health

Theta Healing and DNA Activation





[Practice Philosophy]
[Why I do what I do]
[A little bit about me: hobbies, family, interests]

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Sari K. Wolf RN, TMP 802-223-4715 . All rights reserved.